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The obituary notice of Elin Marie LUDGATE (CHILDS)

Dryslwyn | Published in: Western Mail.

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Elin MarieLUDGATE (CHILDS)Gyda thristwch, cyhoeddwn farwolaeth Elin, Twyn, Dryslwyn, yn 31 oed, brynhawn Sadwrn 1af Mawrth 2025. Cariad annwyl iawn a ffrind gorau ei gwr Chris, yn dotio ar ei bechgyn Elis ac Ifan, merch arbennig Colin a Susan, chwaer hoffus Gary a'i wraig Rachel, wyres, merch-yng-nghyfraith, chwaer-yng-nghyfraith, nith, cyfnither ac anti hoffus, a ffrind ffyddlon.

Gwasanaeth angladdol cyhoeddus ddydd Sadwrn, Mawrth 29ain am 1:30 y.p. yn Eglwys y Santes Fair, Cwrt Henri, Dryslwyn.

Blodau'r teulu'n unig, rhoddion os dymunir tuag at Uned Gemotherapi ac Uned Gofal Dwys Babanod Ysbyty Glangwili drwy law'r trefnwr angladdau, Tom Lewis, Aneddle, Pencader. 01559 384279. Sieciau yn daladwy i Elusennau Iechyd Hywel Dda.

* * * * *

It is with sadness we announce the passing of Elin, Twyn, Dryslwyn, on Saturday afternoon, 1st March 2025, aged 31 years. Much loved wife and friend to her husband Chris, doting mother of her young sons Elis and Ifan, special daughter of Colin and Susan, loving sister of Gary and his wife Rachel, granddaughter, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, niece, cousin and aunt, and loyal friend.

Public funeral service on Saturday March 29th at 1:30 p.m. at St Mary's Church, Court Henry, Dryslwyn.

Family flowers only, donations may be given, if so desired, to the Chemotherapy Unit and Special Care Baby Unit at Glangwili Hospital, c/o Funeral Director Tom Lewis, Aneddle, Pencader. 01559 384279. Cheques payable to Hywel Dda Health Charities.
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Published: 22/03/2025
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Deepest sympathy at this unimaginably sad time.
Donation left by Marilyn and Verity Walters
Donation left by Arwel ac Ann James
Candle fn_12
Peter Childs
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